We at E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Inc. feel that our services should extend beyond the funeral. We, therefore, offer a free and optional aftercare program to help our families through a major loss and adjustment in their lives. It consists of a personal visit and gives practical suggestions on what needs to be done following the funeral. Serena Stevens is our aftercare coordinator and offers over 20 years of experience in helping families at this difficult time.
Support Group
E. Merrill Smith Funeral Home, Inc. sponsors a support group to help those who have lost a loved one and wish to join with others who have suffered a loss. New groups form in both the Spring and Fall and last for 8 weeks. The meetings are held at our Gathering Place, 2313 Broad Ave. Altoona. There are also continued support meetings for those who have completed the 8 week session and wish to continue. These are held once a month. For further information, call Aftercare Coordinator Serena Stevens at 944-9365.
Aftercare Guide
An Aftercare Guide has been prepared by Serena Stevens expressly to assist in dealing with matters that must be taken care of following a death. The guide is provided free of charge to the next of kin of persons for which we have provided funeral services.
The Gathering Place 2313 Broad Ave. Altoona is used for our grief seminars and other meaningful meetings and presentations.